Privacy notice


At Made In Hackney we value the trust and confidence of our visitors to our Global Plant Kitchens website. We will never sell, rent or trade your personal data with other charities, companies and businesses. In this Privacy Notice we’ve provided information about when and why we collect your personal information, how we use it, the very limited conditions we may disclose it to others (such as a legal child or adult protection issue), and how we keep it secure. Read on to find out more.

About Google Analytics

At Global Plant Kitchens we do not collect any unnecessary data about you. When someone visits we use a third party service, Google Analytics, to collect basic internet log information and details of visitor behaviour patterns e.g. what you looked at on our web site. We do this to ensure we’re providing the sort of content you most want and by knowing the numbers as to how many people have visited which page – this gives us a great indication as to which of our services there’s the most demand for – so we can do more of it. This information is only processed in a way which does not identify anyone individually. We do not make, and do not allow Google to make, any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website.

Our Mailing List

We have a mailing list for our newsletters which we use to send out information about all aspects of our programme. We collect personal information to add people to this list which we use to tell you about events, to contact you if we need to obtain additional information, to check our records are up to date and to check you’re happy with our communications. We never rent, sell or trade email lists with other organisations or businesses.

Our mailing list is held and managed via a third party newsletter service provider called MailChimp and in Salesforce, our cloud based customer relationship management system (CRM). You can read their Privacy Notice here and here.
To improve our newsletters and communications we gather statistics about email opening and clicks using industry standard technologies to help us monitor and improve our e-communications. You can Unsubscribe or change your preference settings at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our MAILCHIMP emails, or, if replying to an email from a member of our team you can reply UNSUBSCRIBE or OPT OUT and they will remove you from our data base.

Sending Anonymised Information To Funders

As a charity we are obligated to report to our funders and contract providers about the impact of our work. In practice this means we provide anonymised data about our attendance numbers, equal opportunities data, evaluation results and any other data requested by the funder specific to that programme such as area of residence. This data is provided anonymously, in group form and there is no way of identifying you from the information we share with these organisations.

Access To Your Personal Information

You have the right to view, amend or delete the personal information we hold about you. You can email your request to

Cookies Policy

A ‘cookie’ is a text file that a website stores on your computer which enables the website to collect information, so that it can remember your preferences and actions at a later time. Global Plant Kitchens uses cookies to identify you when you visit this website, to keep track of your browsing patterns, and to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. In doing so, cookies help us provide you with a better website.

Cookies are commonly used on the Internet and do not harm your system. The cookies used on Global Plant Kitchens do not include any information that others could read and understand about you, such as your name or contact details, and they do not give us access to the device you are using.

We know that some people have concerns about cookies, but we believe that the benefit both you and Global Plant Kitchens gain from their proper use is worthwhile.

However, you can set your web browser to notify you of cookie placement requests or decline cookies completely. You can also delete the files that contain cookies. The ‘Help’ menu in the toolbar of most web browsers will direct you to how to change your cookie settings.

Cookies we use

Global Plant Kitchens uses both session cookies (which are created temporarily and then deleted) and persistent cookies (which remain and are activated when you next visit). These cookies assist with security, analytics, displaying information and other processes – all of which are used to monitor and improve the functionality of the website and your online experience.

Not all visitors to our site will have all of the cookies below set. Cookies are set based on web pages visited and actions taken, such as completing forms, downloading content and watching videos.

Google Analytics

Used for a variety of functions, such as anonymously tracking how visitors interact with content on the site and page analytics.

Please note that some third party cookies may send other third party cookies which track browsing patterns anonymously. No identifiable personal data is tracked or sent to third party servers.

Changes To This Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice was updated on 17.04.2023. We aim to review this policy annually and make any necessary changes to ensure it is up to date and is a true reflection of our operation and practices.